Remedies for weight loss - review weight-loss drugs: pills for weight loss, microcrystalline cellulose, slimming tea, Thai pills, fruit extracts, "super system six," tools for weight loss reviews.
It seems that it is easier – at the pharmacy-here's what choice means for weight loss. Pills, teas, sprays on appetite, fat burners. Swallow and no folds at the waist! Are all these methods the money spent? Let's see!
Pills for weight loss

The pharmacy will offer you dozens of ways to lose weight, but only a few really help to cope with the problem, and then only provided that man limits himself to food, actively moving. If you sit all day at a computer, and the night did not depart from the refrigerator, even the best preparation will be powerless!
The preparations reducing appetite
This means that reduces appetite, in the form of sprays, tablets and aromatic compositions that need to breathe. Before buying study their composition. In the annotation set the caffeine? Look for a more secure means. A little spray spray may contain a dose like 300 cups of coffee! After application my heart is beating like mad, pressure rolls, shaking hands, and, in addition, insomnia...
On the box remedies for weight loss there is no mention of caffeine? Lists vitamins ( ascorbic acid) and chemical compounds ( sodium benzoate ), herbs ( kidneys and birch leaves, burdock root ) and essential plants, removes the desire to eat? This drug will not bring harm ( unless there are allergic to any of the components, but it is not deadly ). Will he is another question. Depends on how strong your appetite, how much do you eat enough to move.
Deciding to hit the hunger aromatherapy, carefully choose the essential oil. The number of plants from which the desired flavors - anise, orange, Basil, bergamot, Valerian, verbena, clove, geranium, grapefruit, marjoram, fir, Jasmine, ylang-ylang, ginger, hyssop, cedarwood, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, incense, leuzea, lemon, marjoram, Mandarin, Melissa, Mira, Myrtle, juniper, nutmeg, mint, neroli, patchouli, chamomile, rosemary, rose, and rose and tea tree, sandalwood, pine, thyme, sage, fennel and eucalyptus.
Note: these essential oils are expensive ( from 30 to 50.e. for the bottle ). This is understandable: to squeeze precious drops, need to process mountains of raw materials. Cheap oil – at best the result of breeding a signature flavor of conventional vegetable oil. At worst – a synthetic analogue of the natural essential smell, not having its medicinal properties.
To identify a fake is easy: sprinkle essential oil on paper and wait until evaporated. A quality product does not leave grease stains.
Pros. If the cause of your fullness in overeating, drugs would help cut back on food without much effort on your part. When you start to follow the diet, frustrations, very sorrowful, and to avoid it you can curb your appetite including auxiliary means for weight loss.
Cons. Such tools are not taught to eat right after their cancellation the appetite returns.
Price from 15.e. for a bottle of essential oil, spray 2-3 times more expensive.
Microcrystalline cellulose ( MCC )
If you believe the advertising, free from excess pounds and toxins – the end products of metabolism. It is obtained from specially treated cotton. Composition and properties of micro-cellulose fiber are close to fruits and vegetables. The principle of operation is as follows: swelled in the stomach, it creates the illusion of fullness, is not digested and acts as a brush for the intestine passing through the digestive tract, mechanically clean it.
New in recent years – tablets MCC, enriched with minerals and vitamins. They attach to the bio-additive additional properties – tonic and tonic.
Pros. Normalizes digestion and allows you to use a smaller amount of food.
Cons. To lose one only of the ICC is quite difficult. That is not desirable, it is necessary not to swallow 3-4 tablets, and all that is in the bottle, and this is the overdose!
The price is the lowest of all weight-loss drugs in this class, which, in fact, demand among buyers.
Tea for weight loss

Nothing but laxatives and diuretic herbs ( such as hay, cowberry leaf ), this tea has no. Some varieties are designed not only to reduce weight but also to cleanse – it is composed of dry powder, beet concentrate, activated charcoal. This tea can be a serious challenge, as long as it ends with diarrhea.
Deciding to bring the monthly rate to the end, maybe lose a couple of pounds, and depleted and exhausted will, as after dysentery.
Pros. Products from reputable manufacturers with well-chosen combination of herbs are soft, do reduce appetite and normalize the bowels.
Cons. Poor quality fakes ( and a lot of them ) cause diarrhea and dehydrate the body. If an emergency order to release the intestines from the greater part of its contents, and withdraw from the tissue fluid, per day to lose 3-5 kg. But it will take a day or more, and all will be restored, even with excess: the digestive system is again filled with food, the body is nourished with moisture. While the kidneys and intestines, accustomed to the stimulation from the outside, will start to be lazy, and you will swell and be covered in dirt, overseeding laxatives and diuretics.
The price is quite affordable – from 5-10.e. per pack.
Thai tablets
Banned in civilized countries and were not registered in the Russian market, but sometimes still come across in the capital's shops that sell Oriental products to maintain the form.
When in 1990 fen-phen was received for examination at the test Center food products at the Institute of nutrition, revealed that they contain elements of plant origin and chemical components.
Floral elements did not cause censures – is a herb traditionally recommended for weight loss. Chemical constituents and experts alarmed. Phentermine think psychotropic tool, akin to drugs. Use it in food supplements is forbidden!
Pros. They simply do not. Weight loss in this case cannot be considered good. Addicts do not suffer from its excess, but you're not going to take drugs to lose weight!
Cons. American doctors have established that each of the third, the receiving fen-phen, affects the heart valves. According to the Russian physicians, the drugs worsens sleep, hair fall, exfoliate nails, scaly skin – as in severe deficiency.
Price- it is generally out of the question: this stuff you do not need the gift!
Fruit extracts
In the instructions to the weight-loss drugs of this group often says something unintelligible, such as "capsule destroys the same amount of calories as 15 ( ! ) kg of fresh fruit." However, the explanation, as it happens, is also vague: "Fruit acids connect of dietary calories". Like calories exist in a pure form and can block as dietary fat, and excrete!
For part of the reception too, there are discrepancies. The packaging says to take before meals in the annotation ("Application" ): during the meal, and just above, under "Action," the buyer reported: "When before lunch and dinner you take one of these capsules..."
Pros. Supplies the body with amino acids ( lysine, phenylalanine ), vitamins ( B6, PP, C ), macro - and microelements ( iron, magnesium, silicon ), and fruit acids which stimulate metabolism.
Cons. Does not affect weight, but can only be applied as a supporting biological active food Supplement for slimming.
Price - from 20.e. per pack ( enough for 10 days ).
Fat burners
They did, of course, do not burn, although to a certain extent, stimulate the metabolism and help to better tolerate exercise. These funds are intended primarily for those who lead an active lifestyle. Take plant enzyme bromelain from pineapple and papaya. During aerobic exercise, when increased frequency of pulse and respiration, bromelain acts as a catalyst for fat metabolism.
But if you're not handy with a fitness, to lose weight on the extract of pineapple does not make sense – as a standalone tool for weight loss it is not suitable. But know ladies appreciate this bio-additive for another. Bromelain reduces level of cholesterol in the blood and facilitates the work of the heart, improves the mood on the eve of the critical days.

Pros. With the active and fitness the fat burners will help lose weight.
Cons. Don't expect to lose them if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, only money will throw it away!
Price from 20.e. for packaging.
Super system six
Contains many useful links: 72 minerals and 12 vitamins, which normalize metabolism.
Chromium picolinate generates muscle mass and reduces cravings for sweets. Ginger, capsicum, extracts of Kola nut and green tea increase energy expenditure, helping to burn calories.
Pros. The drug is tested on celebrities. But remember: if super system has helped the Valley to turn into a twig, it does not mean that you will be undergoing the same metamorphosis. No miracleway to lose weight is not exempt from the need to work on yourself.
Cons. Without fitness and diet has had a restorative effect.
Price of 30-40.e. for packaging.